دیوار، Wall

یه دیوار که از دلم حک کنم روش. A wall to carve in it what goes in my heart.

دیوار، Wall

یه دیوار که از دلم حک کنم روش. A wall to carve in it what goes in my heart.

قبلا این وبلاگ رو ثامن‌بلاگ بود، اما اونا مهمون‌نوازای خوبی نبودن، انداختنم بیرون :))
الان اینجام
من کلا آدم شادیم، اما احتمالا این وبلاگ جدیت و گاها اندوه بسیار داشته باشه و کاربردشم همینه. قراره با «دیوار» حرف بزنم! شاید بعدا یکی پژواک صدامو گرفت :)

I am mainly a silly, happy person, though, this blog has a serious and sometimes sorrowful taste to it. I am supposed to talk to Wall! Maybe somebody gets my echo later.

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  • ۰۳/۰۱/۰۱

I told him we are desperately in need of an expert help; he confirmed.



  • رضا عساکره

What makes you valuable? How would you change your life to be a more valuable person?
Whenever I think about this question I usually end up with answers like: helping others, solving poverty and hunger, curing a disease, be appreciative of others help, etc. But there is something seriously wrong with this point of view. All these things are dependent on others. None of them describe my intrinsic value independent of others. What does this mean? Does the human not have any value intrinsically? If no, so what is the point of helping others; anyways if human has no intrinsic value, you are helping a worthless entity, therefore doing a worthless thing.
Therefore, one of the following must be the case:
1) Human has no value at all.
2) Some persons are valuable and the worthless people must seek value in contributing to them.
3) There is something valuable to each human being which is defined solely by the person him/her/themselves and not relative to others.

I am leaning towards the third. And I suppose the valueable thing in "helping others" comes from not the "others" part, but the "helping" part. So "helping" yourself is valuable too. But what is that thing? The thing that makes me valuable solely because of me?

  • رضا عساکره

You notice a problem. What would you target? The "problem" or "noticing the problem" or it depends?

  • رضا عساکره

1) Yes, the sun was shining hotter than one could enjoy a sunny day; yes, the crows cawing was deafening; yes, the river was unsatisfactorily cold; but we were enjoying the once-in-a-year camp of us. The right shoulder angel of my brother was maliciously attracting his attention to the mark on the car. "Let me clean the stain off the car." he yelled scrubbing the so-called stain. "Oops it seems a scratch to me rather than a stain" he murmured with a chuckle. You could not think of any better way to make my dad leap to his feet. He was carrying on with his life without noticing it but now he is aware of it.


2) How can giving a carres to a silky, affection-radiating body put an end to all the struggle you have gone through your busiest day, especially before your hand touches the so far unnoticed lump? Feel a lump and then you both notice there is something going very wrong and this feeling is capable of ruining even your birthday let alone the busiest one. It should not be a tumor I beg.


3) Connect phrases to the relevant paragraph: a) distraction  b) cure

  • رضا عساکره

Src: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-we-live-in-a-simulation-chances-are-about-50-50/

It is mentally paralyzing to think of the possibility of us being simulated. Yes! What if the whole world, so certainly us, are a part of computer simulation. Maybe like an android Sim2 game we are just (literally) played by a kid who is tirelessly on his phone despite his mother's complaints. As in Sim we might feel tired, sick, emotional, etc. Or what if a computer is trying to discover what happens if human has greed and they try to mock the "real" unsimulated human with an exception that it is greedy, and we are the simulated versions.

The problem with this question is that it ia hard to logically go for one side. So technically whatever answer we get, is, hmmm, useless(?)

One of the most effective ways to argue against thia possibility is the scenario of the limited computational resource. If the resources to do the simulation are low enough that the stupid rebel kid playing Sim2 is made to do some resource management, it is highly probable to be caught. What does it mean? Have you play any game that new parts of game environment are loaded as you go on? Because instead of rendering and computing the whole environment, rendering the parts that are actually observable at the moment would save lots of resources. So the question comes down to wether this asynchronousness can be found in our lives?


Aside from this arguement, I (Reza) am thinking about another aspect of the problem. Usually simulations have a purpose. Like (a) optimizing something (b) guessing the side effect of some decisions (c) testing your what-if's and/or (d) assessong possiblity of some random but unlikely thing (e) the list goes on.

The question is, assuming we are simulated bits typing this multi byte blog post, what are the purposes of simulating us? A fun goal is to check whether we can understand if we are simulated stuffs!


P. S: The awesome fact about this post was its scientific referencing that make the writing highly reliable. I will read further posts from "Scientific American"

  • رضا عساکره

Link: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/oct/25/the-last-great-mystery-of-the-mind-meet-the-people-who-have-unusual-or-non-existent-inner-voices?utm_source=pocket-newtab

Title: The last great mystery of the mind: meet the people who have unusual – or non-existent – inner voices

Topic: Talking about what causes the inner voice and a variety of forms people experiencing it.

Highlights :

* What happens to a person's inner voice if he was born deaf? Would he see sign language? What if he has not yet received any education on sign language? Would he see lips moving? People are experiencing all these forms.

* There are different levels of noise pollution in people's head ranging from constant arguments to no voice at all.

* Scientists have hypothesized the reason for inner voice to exist is mind's prediction capability. They believe that brain tries to predict consequences of each action before even doing it, empowering the body with a correction mechanism. Now assume it predicts the words coming out of your mouth, without actually saying them. Result? Inner voice!

* Why different forms of inner voice are observed is yet to be answered.


Rate: 5/5



I nominate this blog post for the "best blog post I've read so far, this week prize" as it was the best blog post I've read so far this week. It motivated me to read more guardian content. Its writing style was both artistic, inspiring, and fun, making it a litte challenging for me to understand it at the first pass.

  • رضا عساکره

New blog post!

Url: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mindless-work-habits-productivity_l_6176df26e4b066de4f65eed0?utm_source=pocket_discover

Title: 7 Mindless Habits That Are Making You Unproductive At Work


* You constantly check your personal phone when there is a lull.

* You do unrelated tasks that will “only take a second.”

* You open too many tabs on your browser

* You impulsively check Slack and other work chat platforms.

* You start solving problems right away, before determining if they’re actually your problems to solve.

* You schedule unnecessary meetings. (emphasized as the most important distraction)


Rate: 3.8/5

  • رضا عساکره

New article (let's call it blog post, hereafter) read:

Link: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/how-metacognition-thinking-about-thinking-can-improve-the-mental-health-crisis?utm_source=pocket_discover

Title: How Metacognition—Thinking About Thinking—Can Improve the Mental-Health Crisis.

Topic: About a field of study called Metacognition


* we are facing a mental crisis due to "ancient brains in a high-tech world". Considering the evolutionary process to form this organ, it is not surprising to call it ancient.

Rate: 1/5

  • رضا عساکره

Due to some changes in my life, I preferred to temporarily (or maybe permanently) switch to English language while blogging. Moreover, I will read a random article on a more random topic once in a while and note it down, here. Some comments might be added and might not.

Today's stuff:

Link: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20211109-what-we-get-wrong-about-conversations?utm_source=pocket_discover

Title: The conversational habits that build better connections

Topic: title is pretty suggestive


* “There is no such thing as conversation,” the novelist and literary critic Rebecca West famously wrote in her collection of stories, The Harsh Voice. “It is an illusion. There are intersecting monologues, that is all.”

* Ask questions

* Beware empathy

* Familiar topics are favored over novel ones

* It's ok to go deep

* Honesty proved to be much better than kindness




  • رضا عساکره



ایران و آمریکا و اروپا نه تنها پشت همسایه روخالی کردن که به شکل مشخص به ویرانی‌ش دامن میزنن. چهار صباح دیگه که افراطی‌گری و ماجراجویی اینا به همین کشورا برسه تازه می‌فهمن اشتباه کردن.


این وسط هم کسایی هستن که تنهایی دلیل کافی برای ترسشون نیست. دمشون گرم.



  • رضا عساکره