Inner voice
Title: The last great mystery of the mind: meet the people who have unusual – or non-existent – inner voices
Topic: Talking about what causes the inner voice and a variety of forms people experiencing it.
Highlights :
* What happens to a person's inner voice if he was born deaf? Would he see sign language? What if he has not yet received any education on sign language? Would he see lips moving? People are experiencing all these forms.
* There are different levels of noise pollution in people's head ranging from constant arguments to no voice at all.
* Scientists have hypothesized the reason for inner voice to exist is mind's prediction capability. They believe that brain tries to predict consequences of each action before even doing it, empowering the body with a correction mechanism. Now assume it predicts the words coming out of your mouth, without actually saying them. Result? Inner voice!
* Why different forms of inner voice are observed is yet to be answered.
Rate: 5/5
I nominate this blog post for the "best blog post I've read so far, this week prize" as it was the best blog post I've read so far this week. It motivated me to read more guardian content. Its writing style was both artistic, inspiring, and fun, making it a litte challenging for me to understand it at the first pass.
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