دیوار، Wall

یه دیوار که از دلم حک کنم روش. A wall to carve in it what goes in my heart.

دیوار، Wall

یه دیوار که از دلم حک کنم روش. A wall to carve in it what goes in my heart.

قبلا این وبلاگ رو ثامن‌بلاگ بود، اما اونا مهمون‌نوازای خوبی نبودن، انداختنم بیرون :))
الان اینجام
من کلا آدم شادیم، اما احتمالا این وبلاگ جدیت و گاها اندوه بسیار داشته باشه و کاربردشم همینه. قراره با «دیوار» حرف بزنم! شاید بعدا یکی پژواک صدامو گرفت :)

I am mainly a silly, happy person, though, this blog has a serious and sometimes sorrowful taste to it. I am supposed to talk to Wall! Maybe somebody gets my echo later.

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  • ۰۳/۰۱/۰۱

I was looking up to see "how can i be more spontaneous in my life" and a fun thing happend. A book called "Trying not to try" showed up.


P.S: there is lots of information leaking in a single image =))

  • رضا عساکره

Historically fever was considered to be a disease itself rather than a symptom of a disease. So, when dealing with a case of fever, the doctors were trying to merely eliminate the fever rather than treating the disease causing the condition. In other words, instead of looking for a cure for what causes the main problem, their effort was focused on one of the manifestations of it.
The destructive repercussions of this assumption is predictable. The symptom would have gone while the visitor was still sick.
So it is wrong to focus on eliminating the symptom instead of the disease. Or is it? Think a bit; what bothering us is not the illness but the symptom. I am not feeling bad because some microscopic buttholes are riating and looting in my body, I am feeling bad because fever is killing me.
So it is enough to merely eliminate the symptom rather than the disease. Or is it?
As fever is a way body tries to kill those buttholes, and treating it is going to worsen the situation, it might not be the best idea. Even if fever was not helpful, if you only focus on confronting fever, there are other known/unknown symptoms left untreated.
So it is better to target the root cause. Or is it?

The very same things apply to sadness. Usually sadness is treated as a disease rather than a symptom. Sadness is not a disease, it is a symptom that something is wrong some where inside us or in the environment. And usually it is the body defense mechanism against the thing that is not right. So should we target sadness or the root cause?

  • رضا عساکره

He told me call me if things didn't get better

  • رضا عساکره

Man when you're hungry and low on testosterone level, low mood hits different. Really different. As if you can't be and see anything but negatives

  • رضا عساکره

This post is a followup on "Let's not try" post.

There is an implicit endeavor in the phrase "let's." Therefore, saying "let's not try" implies an attempt to avoid trying, or in other words, we are trying not to try, which is a self-contradictory resolution. To fix the previous title, we can say, "Avoid let's" or "Let's not say let's" which still is trash.

  • رضا عساکره

It was hard for anyone not to love him and hard for anyone not to hate him. But he didn't love himself nor he didn't hate himself. That's what makes him special.

  • رضا عساکره

Natives were planning for the winter. They had heard that this new guy in the forest knew something called science, so the big boss went to him and asked to see how cold the winter would be and he warned the boss about a cold winter. So, the boss went back to the tribe forcing them to go to the forest, cut trees and pile up more wood and returned back to the science guy to see if there was an update about winter weather. Science guy told the boss the winter was going to be colder than what he first predicted. The boss returned to his tribe asking for more wood. He came back to the scientist again later and to his surprise, the winter was going to be even colder. He made all the tribe members to chop as many trees as they could to just survive the deadly winter in front of them. The boss referred to the scientist another time in a great desperate and asking if winter was going to be the start of a new ice age. "This winter is going to be the coldest winter human ever experienced," scientist anxiously explained "as natives are insanely cutting the trees"

  • رضا عساکره

Well, the last two posts had lots of gay-supporting pieces in them. Now to prove how mentally unstable and logically indecisive I am, I want to share a homophobic thought here.

Homosexuality and other recently accepted sexual orientations emerged with this logic: We have an spectrum of sexual attraction based on gender concordance, which ranges from purely heterosexual to purely homosexual, having different orientation like bisexuality in between.
But what if "homophobia" is a part of this spectrum too? Like, homophobes are so heterosexual in a way they can tolerate no attraction to the same gender?

P.s: then we must think of heterophobes too, which I don't know if is a thing!?

  • رضا عساکره

A. There is a condition called myostatin deficiency. Consider the word "deficiency" which has a negative load to it. However, as a result of this condition, you would have less body fat and higher muscle mass. You can google it and see how people affected with it are Hercules-like shaped. They call it a deficiency, only because the majority of people don't have this condition.

B. (skip this part if you're not interested in medicine) While I was studying for a test on different diseases, I found out that in some cases they use population average to say if sth is normal or problematic. I don't really remember the exact real world examples of them, as I am a crammer and forget the whole subject after the exam. But as an example assume they want to declare a safe level for hormone X. They calculate the average in the whole population which migh be 100 for example. Then they say anything between 75 to 125 is normal otherwise it's a disease. The problem is that the whole population might following a bad life habit (e.g eating too much fast-food) resulting a shift in the average. So simply considering the average isn't the best way to determine the safe range.

C. Can the word "normal" be used interchangeably with "healthy" or "good"? Is an unusual/abnormal thing a bad thing? Consider geniuses, super heros, etc.

D. For a long while left-handed people were considered to be evil, just for the pure sake of not being same as majority (which determines what the norms are). The same happened to homosexuals. Similar thing for black people in the US. The list goes on.

E. Lots of conditions that are considered as physical illness, social awkwardness, bodily abnormality, mental issue, sexual deviation, etc are not proven to be bad or even counter-productive. They're merely not common.

P.s: The last two posts said a lot in favor of homosexuals. I'm not either a homosexual or a homosexuality activist. It just happened to be this way.

  • رضا عساکره

A) These days my memory is awfully messing up with me and reminding me of the oldest most random and irrelevant pieces of information I have acquired all along these years of my life and I have become super sensitive to any memory stimulus.

B) These days there is a number of rallies going on in several countries against COVID mandates, hosting dozens of people complaining how mandatory vaccination and face masks are violating their right of what they can do to their body. Honestly, I was not the biggest fan of these campaigns as I do not think freedom is able to justify everything. However, last night I was talking to a friend's friend and he changed my mind to some extent about the validity of what they are asking for.

C) Those days (when I was at 2nd grade in elementary school), there was a lesson talking about the colors of a rainbow each arguing about their superiority over the rest. They showed up one by one in the sky and changed the color of the sky to their own and freaked the hell out of the observers. Then a wise thing, possibly an owl or an old cloud, told them about how diversity adds to the beauty and asked them to reveal themselves altogether. Very similar to all stories trying to convey a moral message, everyone was happy with the result then and sang their favorite blissful song together. But I mean that wise piece of something was right. Diversity "can" boost beauty. The oldest version of the elementary book I found dates back to 2012 while I was in that grade in 2006. Below you can find a picture of the lesson.



p.s: It is removed from the most recent 2nd grade book, maybe because of the Iranian's government inertia against 2SLGBTQ+ community. (There are other possibilities too, like moving the lesson to the third grade, or removing it merely to put some other thing instead)


  • رضا عساکره