دیوار، Wall

یه دیوار که از دلم حک کنم روش. A wall to carve in it what goes in my heart.

دیوار، Wall

یه دیوار که از دلم حک کنم روش. A wall to carve in it what goes in my heart.

قبلا این وبلاگ رو ثامن‌بلاگ بود، اما اونا مهمون‌نوازای خوبی نبودن، انداختنم بیرون :))
الان اینجام
من کلا آدم شادیم، اما احتمالا این وبلاگ جدیت و گاها اندوه بسیار داشته باشه و کاربردشم همینه. قراره با «دیوار» حرف بزنم! شاید بعدا یکی پژواک صدامو گرفت :)

I am mainly a silly, happy person, though, this blog has a serious and sometimes sorrowful taste to it. I am supposed to talk to Wall! Maybe somebody gets my echo later.

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  • ۰۳/۰۱/۰۱




Archibald the Koala had a bike. I have one too. However he was bald and idiot while I'm not bald. Not yet. Haha

We used to call him detective koala. Detective coca cola lol loljdhbdjeoeka. If you see coca cola brand name in the mirror, it would say: jonny depp is fake but amber heard shouldn't have done that to him. It also says don't look for Pepsi logo on the moon. In 10 pm. In your neighbourhood, while your dad is sleeping and your uncle is invited to your house. Or maybe it was a night of lunar eclipse that my uncle was there and we were looking to the moon and waiting. Maybe I'm mixing up two memories. But it has happened at least twice that we were looking for sth special on the moon. Maybe third time for my parents? They were looking for a person on the moon years before I was born =D.

Moon itself is special isn't it? Literally a huge piece of rock floating in nothingness close to a huger rock which itself is orbiting around a yet huger rock. All in nothingness, and they still don't crash. Neither do they fall down. Where is down? What is down there? If they were supposed to fall where would they land? If they wouldn't land and limitlessly far they could go, what would they experience?

  • رضا عساکره

Woke up again. Hungry again. Heated up the left overs from several days ago. Or maybe several weeks ago. Or  years ago. Or even several lives ago. Have been eating leftovers since then. There's not much left honestly, but I still heat it up over and over. First few days, the leftovers used to taste like the main meal, but as time passed the taste changed. The look changed. The smell did too. Maybe that's why I started to like the leftovers; the meal wasn't perfect anyways. Or was it? I can't remember. Or can I?

Has been a while since the dish is empty. I mean how long do you expect it to feed me. Has been a while. Maybe weeks or years. It's just the dish full of the scent and stains of the original food. I'm heating up the scent. The stains. The dish itself. 3... 2... 1..., microwave beeps exactly like the second time I used it. And the third time and the fourth. The first time was different though. Anyways. Sitting in front of the dish. Nibbling at the aroma. Should keep my eating in check, it's midnight. I keep eating and why wouldn't I. A few spoonful of steam into the meal, and I feel exhausted. Not full yet, just exhausted. And still there is something left for tomorrow. And the next week. And the next life.


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I'm the flame; I'm the ash

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Me whenever I like sth I've written =))) 



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It disgusts me when I remember I'm a human being and sometimes I have to beg for some stuff with my actions or words.

Check this out .

  • رضا عساکره

هندونه گوجه نیست که وقتی نگاش کنی بفهمی چقدر باکیفیته. همه‌چیش زیر پوستش اون داخل قایم شده. موز هم نیست که از نگاه به پوستش یه حدسی راجع به اوضاع اون داخل بزنی. همه‌چیش نامعلومه. اینقدر نامعلوم که حاضری بگیری بزنیش تا یه نشونه‌ای از داخل خودش بهت بده. ولی حتی وقتی میزنیش هم حداکثر یه صداهای نامفهوم از خودش در میاره که هیچکی نمیدونه معنیش چیه. بعضیا ژست میگیرن که میدونن چی گفته ولی نمیدونن واقعا.


راستش تقصیر هندونه هم نیست. خودشم نمیدونه اون داخل چه خبره. برا همین بعضی اوقات شرط هم میذاره. شرط میذاره که حتما با چاقو به جونش بیفتی که داخلشو ببینی. که هم خودش بدونه داخل چه خبره، هم خیالش راحت باشه که تو هم در جریانی. که بعد نگی نگفته بود. اما اگه چاقو خورد و بد بود چی؟ ایراد نداره، هندونه ریسکشو میخره که باقی عمرشو بمونه گوشه وانت.


حتی اگه بعد چاقو خوردن هم قرمز قرمز باشه داخلش و هسته‌هاشم خیلی کم باشه و کلی باهاش حال کنی، هندونه هنوز میفهمه که فقط یه هندونه‌س. اون درک میکنه که شلیل هسته‌جدا نیست. اون درک میکنه که تو سرما دوست نداشته باشی بخوریش چون لرز میکنی. درک میکنه که قبل خواب هم نخوای بری سراغش چون جیشت میگیره نصفه شب. درک میکنه که تو مجالس رسمی دعوت کردن یا نکردنش محل شک باشه. و درک میکنه که لازمه چند ساعتی سرمای یخچالو به جون بخره که به چشمت بیاد و حالت عادیش جذابیتی نداره.


هندونه اینا رو درک میکنه و سعی میکنه باهاشون کنار بیاد. ولی ته دلش حس میکنه هرچی نباشه حداقل کالریش کمه و چاقت نمیکنه. حداقل تو یه روز گرم، هیدراته‌ت میکنه. دلش خوشه که شب یلدا رو برات آیکونیک‌تر میکنه. حتی تو اینترنت خونده آنتی‌اکسیدان هم هست و باعث میشه دیرتر پیر شی. هرچند اینقدر بهش گفتن که پرورشت آب زیاد مصرف میکنه دیگه این تعریفای موردی براش قابل باور نیست.


هندونه شلیل هسته‌جدا نیست. ولی خرمالوی نارس هم نیست. ولی شلیل هسته‌جدا هم نیست. خودش دوست داشت باشه‌ها. براش زور هم میزنه. ولی همینقدر بلده.


پ. ن: شاید هندونه زیادی ترسوعه. یه پوست کلفت دور خودش کشیده که نکنه کسی اوخش کنه. همچین جدی گرفته انگار آناناسه. یه ذره هندونه‌ای دیگه، کسی کارت نداره.
پ. ن: شایدم هندونه داخل خودشو دوست نداره و میخواد مخفیش کنه. حتی از خودش.
پ. ن: موز هم شبیه چیزه. نمیخوام جاج کنما ولی خدایی شبیه چیز نیست؟

پ. ن: بعد پست کردن این متن، یاد این آهنگه افتادم. خواننده‌ش یه هندونه‌س.

  • رضا عساکره

The kid's envious stare at the parked sport car halted by the owner's generous offer; "do you want a ride big man?"
+ For real?
- Yes buddy, hop in!
"Your car is just charming, sir" the kid raved as the door clicked closed.
- Is it? Thank you! It's my brother gift for my birthday.
+ I wish I...
The man guessed the rest of the sentence "you wish you had a brother like that, I know" he speculated.
"I wish I was a brother like that" boy proceeded.

  • رضا عساکره

* “How can we be so different and feel so much alike?”

* Every morning I wake up and I fail.

  • رضا عساکره

After a long while, a Persian content


  • رضا عساکره

"Big daddy" is the story of a man illegally adopting a child (for a personal reason).

*Spoiler alert*

They found out that he was a fraud and were taking the child back. In the goodbye scene, the child thinks it was because of him watching too much of his favorite (kid) show or being picky about some foods. He is begging and promising that he'll never watch the show again and eat whatever they're giving him:



The kid did so desperately want to have a basic need (father) met, that was even sacrificing his most basic rights as a child.

It happens to adults too :)

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